Is the goal you set what you truly want to accomplish in life? Sometimes, when you feel no motivation or are not passionate about your goals, it may be because the goal is not something that you really want. When something is what you truly desire to accomplish, you will be more motivated, passionate and more committed to work on it.
Do you notice that all the reasons above are excuses? You don’t have enough time, you don’t know how to it, you don’t have the money to do it, etc, etc. These are all common excuses given by people when they fail to achieve their goals. When you don’t know how to do something, search for the solutions and ask for help. If you don’t have enough time, make time, and create a better schedule.
This is another common killer why people fail to reach their goals. They get distracted and they attend to work on other things and forget about their goals. We often get distracted and switch from one thing to another. We say we want to lose weight, but after a few days, we get distracted and totally forget about the goal that we set. Never let this happen to you. This is why you need to consciously review your goals and think about what you want all the time.
If you say that you are a lazy person, think about it again. There are times when you feel so excited and so motivated that you can’t wait for something to come, right? For example, the night before you travel oversea for the first time. Or maybe you are so obsessed with playing computer games that you have all the energy to stay up late? These are the things that showed we are not a lazy person. We just don’t know how to channel our motivation to the right place.
It is always better to have one accomplished goal than five uncompleted goals. When you try to handle too many projects or doing too many things at the same time, you get distracted and you split your effort too thin. Imagine you are trying to grow ten websites together, do you think you can achieve great success with them? I’m not sure, but I believe the chances will be low if you don’t have any leverage or others to help you.
There will be times people don’t have the motivation and drive to take action and work on their goals. This is very normal. It happened to me too, and I believe it happens to everyone. There will be times successful people feel down and no motivation too. It is just that they know how to handle the situation properly and do it anyway.
This is a common mistake people will make when it comes to achieving their goals. They choose to focus on the result instead of the progress. That’s where most people give up because they thought they have failed. What you need to do is to focus on the progress. Focus on publishing quality content on your blog on a regular basis, write guest posts on other websites, and leave comments to build a relationship with other bloggers.
This is another common reason people fail to live their dreams. They choose to do the wrong tasks. They choose to watch TV instead of working on their dreams. They choose to play games when they should write a blog post. They waste time on Facebook mindlessly when they should be reading a book. Stop wasting too much time on tasks that don’t matter. Choose to spend time working on things that truly matter to you.
If you always mingle with people who have no dreams or goals, you will eventually throw away your dreams and your goals as well. And when you fail to accomplish your goals, you will say that it is alright because everyone is the same. On the other hand, if you mix with successful people who always talk about dreams and goals, you will be inspired by their conversations and their thinking. This is why you need to be careful who you spend time with.
Do you doubt your ability? This will usually happen after you have taken some actions but are not seeing any results. People are most motivated and driven in the beginning. They will only doubt themselves when they don’t see the results after some time down the road. Stop. Have faith and trust yourself. Things will not happen overnight, and you should focus on improving and taking more action.
Don’t be the jack of all trades and master of none. Start to focus your energy and choose to work on your most important goal. I know that you have many goals to achieve, but you have to identify the most important one and concentrate all your effort to work on it. If you try to chase two rabbits at the same time, you will end up catching none.
There will be a lot of people who will tell you that your goals are impossible, or it is too difficult, or nobody has ever done it before. Well, what should you do? Just ignore the naysayers and don’t listen to them. When you have a dream or a goal, you have to protect it. Never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Never let other people’s opinion become your reality. Choose to believe in yourself and do what you think is right. Follow your heart and chase your dreams.
Are your goals clear and specific? When you ask people what they want in their lives, most will give you vague and general answers such as they want to be rich, or they want to be happy. No wonder most people fail to reach their goals.
If your goal is to make a million dollar from your internet business in 3 years so that you can quit your job, what should you do? Do you have a proven plan and do you know how to do it? What if you want to lose weight? The first thing that comes into most people’s head is to go on diet or exercise.
One of the keys to creating extraordinary results in life is to learn and keep improving from the results we get in life. If you try something, and you fail, then you should learn and improve or change your approach so that you don’t get stuck. You will get the same old result if you refuse to change and keep doing the same thing. When I said change, I mean changing your strategies, not your goals or your dreams.
Do you fail to reach your goals because you are afraid to fail? You have to understand that failure is an inevitable part of success. Choose to treat failures as feedback. It is alright if you fail. As long as you never give up and learn from your failure, you will eventually succeed. So stop asking “What if I fail?” Instead, ask, “What can I learn from this?”
The ultimate killer of your goals is to not take action. People procrastinate and delay working on their goals. Instead of working on their goals, they choose to do something else like playing games, checking social media, or watch TV. Successful people have feelings too, but they learn to manage their feelings and controlled their emotions better than most people. That is why they take action regardless of whether they feel like it or not.
A lot of people have the wrong perception and believe that success is the one-hit, but it is really not. Success consists of many small steps. And you need to work on those small steps every day, day in and day out, consistently, to achieve the success you desire. Take losing weight as an example. You don’t expect to exercise once and then the additional fat on your body will be gone. No, you have to be consistent. You need to exercise regularly to see the results.
Are you 100% committed to achieving your goals? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals? Or you are just going to do what is easy and convenient? You see, when it comes to goal achievement, we need to put in 100% commitment if we are serious about achieving what we want. I have seen people who said that they want to build an internet business, but once they reached home from work; they choose to watch TV instead of working on their websites.
A lot of people say that they have no idea how to do something, but in fact, it is not that they don’t know, they just refuse to use their brain to think. How do you lose weight? How do you build a business? How do you create a successful blog? How do you do marketing for your online business? You can find answers from other people who have done it before. Like what Anthony Robbins said, “Success leaves clues.”